Saturday, June 9, 2007

O NOES!;_ylt=Ak92Mbb66ElSEb0mpTVzNYTMWM0F


AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - A Dutch smoking ban will come into force in July next year for all restaurants and cafes -- including coffee shops where cannabis is the top attraction, the government decided on Friday.

"Coffee shops will be treated in the same manner as other catering businesses. They will be smoke-free," Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende told NOS television.

"It would have been wrong to move towards a smoke-free catering industry and then make an exception for coffee shops. People would not have understood that."

Establishments will not in fact have to be completely smoke-free. Proprietors will be allowed to set up a separate room or glass partition behind which people can smoke, but customers will not be served there to protect staff.

"Employees should not have to work in an environment were they are constantly exposed to the harmful effects of smoking," Balkenende said after the cabinet's decision on Friday.

The sad thing about this is that the problem wasn't pot smokers in the first place, it was tobacco.

I guess it's not too bad though. As "Proprietors will be allowed to set up a separate room or glass partition behind which people can smoke, but customers will not be served there to protect staff."


Chrisfs said...

I don't see the big deal. The law is simply saying that if I don't want to smell pot in a public place when I having a meal, I shouldn't have to. Those that enjoy can enjoy and those that don't, don't have to. If you need to get high in the presence of others that don't like smoke, you can go the brownie route. Or perhaps a vaporizer which barely creates any 'smoke'

JonasJo said...

Yeah, but who would enter a coffee shop in Amsterdam NOT expecting to see lots of people smoking weed?

In my opinion coffee shops should be exempt from this law as pot smoking is what these shops make a living out of. This is like banning alcohol drinking in bars! (except of course the factor of passive smoking but again; who would enter a coffee shop in Amsterdam NOT expecting to see lots of people smoking weed?)
